Monday, November 3, 2008


Okay....I haven't written in my blog in FOREVER! So there are a couple of new things, but nothing much. I've been out here in Idaho for over 2 months's crazy! I love it out here! There's so much to do, like having bonfires at the sand dunes, going to different parties, ice caves, much more to do here than there was to do in GA! haha...kidding...I do miss GA a lot. I miss the family, I talk to them at least 5 times a week....some say I'm pathetic...but that's okay! Haha...and that's about all that's new. haha. I am taking a chinese class right now...learning how to write, read and speak chinese (mandrin) and of course I still speak cantonese. But I learned the coolest thing this week!!! I learned how to type in chinese... 我会说中文。That say's..I can speak chinese! and.... 我爱你。...says I love you! Well that's all for now..

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Leaving Home :(

Today's the day I have officially left home to live off on my own. I always thought it was going to be the best feeling ever. When I can keep my parents at a "safe" distance away and still do everything I want to do, but it's not all it's cracked up to be....yet. It feels like a vacation and I keep thinking that I'm going to turn around and go home this weekend....or at least sometime soon. But I have to keep telling myself that I'm out here for 3 and a half months! It sounds like a long time but I'm sure once I get into the swing of things, things will be a little easier. Everything's alright right now but I know soon I'm gonna start getting homesick :( Well I had to do that sooner or later right? But I'm lucky enough to have a ton of friends out here with me that can hopefully make transition a bit easier for me :) I can't wait for everything to start and just start experiencing things. It's funny how my whole life I've just wanted to be independent and go off on my own and it's just the last few days at home where I just don't think I'm ready to live on my own! Well there's no turning back now!!!! So well see how everything plays out. As for today, Jessica and I got on a plane this morning, woke up at 5 am and got to the airport around 6:30 after getting some yummy breakfast at McDonald's. After a 3 and a half hour flight to Las Vegas we took a connecting flight to Salt Lake City where a friend picked us up and took us to Provo to stay with Jessi and Dustin. I feel so blessed to have good friends out here that are willing to do so much for me and I appreciate them very much :) If it weren't for them and hanging out with Kristi too, I think I wouldn't be handling it as well. Well the excitement rolls onto tomorrow and we'll see what it has in store for me :) Until then, Adios from Provo, Utah!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

the end of the best summer ever!

so this summer is officially coming to an end :( i leave and get on a plane to BYU-I in less than a week (next tuesday morning) but i must admit that it was probably the best summer ever! here's a list of all the fun things i did! :

1) Jessi and Dustin's wedding/flying to California/getting to wear a BEAUTIFUL dress(thanks jessi!)/being a part of one of my good friends weddings/PARTYING 24/7 :) not doubt it was a blast!
2) Going to Sea World with the fam./Seeing Shamu!/Seeing the HOT animal trainers/getting to pet and feed sting rays and dolphins!/watching all the neat shows and performances/ bringing back old memories of previous trips
3) Going on a Cruise!!! (right after Sea World)/freedom from the parents on the cruise!/the beach/beautiful waters/more beach/souvineir shopping in the little markets of the Bahamas/towel animals/great service/fun shows and comedians/more beach/a nice tan!
4) Going to Panama City Beach/ staying in the cutest little condo that felt like living in a tree house!/running up and down a sprial staircase/getting locked out of the condo the 1st day and the whole family trying to break back in :)/the beach/catching starfish and other....interesting animals/seeing a HUGE stingray in the "wild"/chillen in the house with the fam./more beach/more tanning/souvineir shopping
5) Family in town from Hong Kong and Boston!!!!/spent a LOT of time with family/got to build a great relationship with the extended family/tons of presents and food from Hong Kong (about $500 worth of stuff total)/ lots of money! from the fam.(will help with school!)/ more presents/going out to yummy restraunts/eating/talking/laughing/pictures/aquarium/world of coke/more time talking with family/more laughing/lots of driving to downtown!!

Now all the extended family is gone. Im down to my last 5 days left in GA before i leave for school. no doubt itll be fun, but im for sure gonna miss the family :( Lots of things to do and finish, lots of people to see!!!! but no time!!!!! i need more time!!! but im sure that once i get to school everything will start to settle down and be okay :) cant wait to see jessi and dustin next week ;) and start a new chapter of my life!

Monday, July 14, 2008

21 years...

Today was a pretty good day. I got to sleep in late for the first time in days....hard....i know and mom was at work all day which whatever you want all day!! YAY!!!! Well tonight my mom had asked my dad to bring home some bread for dinner and when he got home....he brought A CAKE!!!! We were all like.....what??? haha...thats nice....but its not bread and Jonathan's 9th birthday isnt for another 2 days. So as you can imagine...we were all stumped. Then he goes to the cupboard and takes out decorations for cake and take the number 2 and 1 out...Jonathan asked....whose turning 12? but my dad puts the number 21 on the cake and he you know whose turning 21 today? haha my siblings and i were like....ummmm? someone.....but not in this family!!! turns out....we were wrong. We had all forgotten about my older sister Maggie who died when she was born exactly 21 years ago today (well...kinda yesterday). It was cute we put her cake on the table while we ate dinner and then we sang happy birthday to her. We dont usually do this for her birthday but it was really nice and brought back some good memories of when we were little. A lot of times in the mornings on Saturdays my dad, me and Mandy would go out for a bike ride in our little town of Colonia, NJ. I can imagine we looked like little ducklings following our daddy and we would ride our bikes to my sisters cemetery to go visit her and bring her some flowers (that we found around the cemetery :D ) and then we would have water fights with the water bottles we brought with us and there was also a water picket nearby that we used.....good times. This weekend has just brought back some memories. I couldn't have had a better weekend with the family. Friday night I worked....I've actually been working A LOT lately....about 30 hours last week itself and i was getting tired. Friday night we had a little one year old stuck in a shelf that had a sliding door and the door got jammed. Two other workers were trying frantically to get him out but i walked over there with a baby in my arms, gave him to someone else and just hit the door with all i had. almost knocking over the tv that was on it. I finally got him was pretty scary cause he couldve suffocated. Thanks goodness....and then that night i went to kristi's for a while and we made a random trip to walmart....came home and then played some Rockband!!!well Saturday was nice too. My siblings and i and my dad spent the day outside working on the yard and such....i got yet ANOTHER tan line....ridiculous :) and then we had a water fight with the hose....believe it or dad started it. hahahaha i think the funniest part was when i was using the riding lawn mower in the backyard. i was trying to mow as much as i could and started getting to the steep part of the hill that went down to the lake. well the tractor thing wouldnt move as i put it in reverse and so i thought maybe i could drive it to the neighbors yard and turn around to get back to ours.....well that went south....literally...the tractor started to go down the itself!!!!! i was sooooo scared!!!! and i thought either it was gonna flip and i was gonna get hurt or i was gonna go in the lake. so with a bit of quick thinking i put it in neutral and turned the stupid thing kept going and i was prepared to jump off. i didnt pay attention to much else around me but ive been told that my siblings wouldnt have even know i went down there until my dad started yelling and waving his arms saying...DONT GO DOWN THERE!!! hahaha....yeah i was stuck down there and there wasnt much i could do to get up. my dad came down to try to ride it through the neigbors yard and came back...nothing. next thing we know my dads mowing the neighbors yard and we were like...what is he doing?? hahah the grass was too tall for him to see so he figured he'd mow their yard so he could see better.....end of story.....he rode the thing back up the same hill at super speed...HAHAHAHA it was very very funny.....a lot of this weekend brought back memories....i love it. and i believe i've just realized how much im going to miss my family when i leave for idaho in exactly 7 weeks....kinda scary....but im excited....anyways time for bed cause guess what......I have to work tomorrow :)

Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July weekend....

So I, like many others, enjoy our 4th of July weekend with family....too bad almost all of them live in NYC. But this past weekend was filled with mixed emotions....We got to spend a lot of our weekend having friends over for dinner and such which was a lot of fun! Bro. Cobian....a guyu in our ward told us stories about being a sniper and such and they were just so cool! everyone was so entertained! Then I find out on Saturday that one of my friend's mom had passed away that morning...what a shock it was for all of us, it was an unexpected, unfortunate accident. I could only imagine how hard it would be to lose a parent at such a young age. It was hard enough when I lost my grandma unexpectedly about 2 years the wake is this Thursday and the funeral is Friday. Sadly, I cannot attend the funeral because of my 8 1/2 hour work shift all day Friday but I'm just glad that I can be there to give him support at the wake Thursday night. Thank goodness the boy has religion in his life, because of that he seems to be holding up pretty well, but of course it is hard, but we all know that his mom is in a better place now. So there's my weekend! But something funny did happen we were watching Jumper this morning and sitting in our living room when all of a sudden we hear a bang on our window!!! haha!!!! a BIRD flew into our window and we saw it fall....I havent gone to see if he died or not....but I hope not!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Here goes....

So I've finally been convinced into making a's kinda weird...not gonna my life is pretty boring. Just working a ton to save up money to go to BYU-Idaho...I got a new camera! haha and thats about the most exciting thing that has happened to me all week....sad...i know. ok....well until something new and exciting happens to me.....I'll blog later!